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More than 2000 NAMCOL Lessons broadcasted milestone

#LearnOnOne & Ministry of Education Celebrates

Stefan Hugo, CEO TribeFire Studios (left) , Sanet Steenkamp (second from right) receives a progress report from #LearnOnOne Public Relations Officer, Rukee Kaakunga (centre).

After signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) in late 2021, OneAfrica’s #LearnOnOne has since broadcast over 2000 Namibia College of Open Learning (NAMCOL) lessons for high school learners.

The Ministry has fully endorsed #LearnOnOne, recognising it as a key player in providing supplementary education for Namibian learners.

“We’ve learned with COVID-19 that you can’t only rely on the traditional way of teaching. You need to have a hybrid system in place to reach children everywhere. On this basis, we invested significantly in the production of video and radio lessons through NAMCOL,” said Sanet Steenkamp, Executive Director of the Ministry, in a recent interview with NewsOnOne.

She further explained why the partnership with #LearnOnOne was necessary, “We wanted a partner that would truly share our vision. It was important for us to reach the target audience (learners), and I think so far it has been working quite well.”

The NAMCOL-produced lessons have aired on #LearnOnOne from March 2022 and include a variety of subjects like Mathematics, Accounting, History, and Agricultural Science.

#LearnOnOne has pledged to support the MoEAC, increasing access to learning for secondary school learners by broadcasting the NAMCOL lessons. For the duration of the MoU and beyond, Namibian learners can access quality and free educational material on #LearnOnOne, opening up a window of opportunity to better their lives.

#LearnOnOne is available on DStv (channel 284) and GOtv (channel 90) from 07h00 to 12h30, with afternoon repeats from 13h30 to 17h30. On Demand lessons and live streams are also available on


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