By: Selma Ikela - News Editor
I know the positive impact of education on a child and their family, especially if that learner comes from a disadvantaged background. I am that child. Education opens doors and provides great opportunities. My parents encouraged me to make the most of my education. So, the Namibia Senior Secondary Ordinary and Advanced Subsidiary results for 2022 made my heart sank.
Over the years, these results have declined and this year is the worst with only 21.4 percent pass rate. What can be done to improve the situation? The education ministry has a significant role. They must assess where the problem lies and come up with practical solutions. The lack of textbooks, teachers, and infrastructure should be taken seriously.
However, education is a shared commitment, and teachers, parents and learners also carry responsibility.
Parents have a great influence on their children. They must take interest in their children's studies and check their homework, tests, examinations and overall progress. Parents should discipline their children so that they are less of a burden on the teachers. They can hold teachers and children (learners) accountable. It is a well known fact that parental involvement increases a learner’s academic results, behaviour and social adjustment.
Equally, teachers should contact parents whenever learners struggle in a specific subject and discuss cost effective ways to improve their performance. This will also strengthen the teacher-parent relationship.
Lastly, children should be taught to value education and be disciplined in the pursuit of their goals and dreams.
Changing the narrative on education in Namibia is everyone’s responsibility.